Class OrtEnvironment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class OrtEnvironment
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.AutoCloseable
    The host object for the onnx-runtime system. Can create OrtSessions which encapsulate specific models.

    There can be at most one OrtEnvironment object created in a JVM lifetime. This class implements AutoCloseable as before for backwards compatibility with 1.10 and earlier, but the close method is a no-op. The environment is closed by a JVM shutdown hook registered on construction.

    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironment

        public static OrtEnvironment getEnvironment​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets the OrtEnvironment. If there is not an environment currently created, it creates one using the supplied name and OrtLoggingLevel.ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING.

        If the environment already exists then it returns the existing one and logs a warning if the name or log level is different from the requested one.

        name - The logging id of the environment.
        The OrtEnvironment singleton.
      • getEnvironment

        public static OrtEnvironment getEnvironment​(OrtLoggingLevel logLevel)
        Gets the OrtEnvironment. If there is not an environment currently created, it creates one using the DEFAULT_NAME and the supplied logging level.

        If the environment already exists then it returns the existing one and logs a warning if the name or log level is different from the requested one.

        logLevel - The logging level to use.
        The OrtEnvironment singleton.
      • getEnvironment

        public static OrtEnvironment getEnvironment​(OrtLoggingLevel loggingLevel,
                                                    java.lang.String name)
        Gets the OrtEnvironment. If there is not an environment currently created, it creates one using the supplied name and logging level. If an environment already exists with a different name, that environment is returned and a warning is logged.
        loggingLevel - The logging level to use.
        name - The log id.
        The OrtEnvironment singleton.
      • getEnvironment

        public static OrtEnvironment getEnvironment​(OrtLoggingLevel loggingLevel,
                                                    java.lang.String name,
                                                    OrtEnvironment.ThreadingOptions threadOptions)
        Creates an OrtEnvironment using the specified global thread pool options. Note unlike the other getEnvironment methods if there already is an existing OrtEnvironment this call throws IllegalStateException as we cannot guarantee that the environment has the appropriate thread pool configuration.
        loggingLevel - The logging level to use.
        name - The log id.
        threadOptions - The global thread pool options.
        The OrtEnvironment singleton.
      • createSession

        public OrtSession createSession​(java.lang.String modelPath)
                                 throws OrtException
        Create a session using the default OrtSession.SessionOptions, model and the default memory allocator.
        modelPath - Path on disk to load the model from.
        An OrtSession with the specified model.
        OrtException - If the model failed to load, wasn't compatible or caused an error.
      • createSession

        public OrtSession createSession​(java.lang.String modelPath,
                                        OrtSession.SessionOptions options)
                                 throws OrtException
        Create a session using the specified OrtSession.SessionOptions, model and the default memory allocator.
        modelPath - Path on disk to load the model from.
        options - The session options.
        An OrtSession with the specified model.
        OrtException - If the model failed to load, wasn't compatible or caused an error.
      • createSession

        public OrtSession createSession​(byte[] modelArray)
                                 throws OrtException
        Create a session using the default OrtSession.SessionOptions, model and the default memory allocator.
        modelArray - Byte array representing an ONNX model.
        An OrtSession with the specified model.
        OrtException - If the model failed to parse, wasn't compatible or caused an error.
      • setTelemetry

        public void setTelemetry​(boolean sendTelemetry)
                          throws OrtException
        Turns on or off the telemetry.
        sendTelemetry - If true then send telemetry on onnxruntime usage.
        OrtException - If the call failed.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getAvailableProviders

        public static java.util.EnumSet<OrtProvider> getAvailableProviders()
        Gets the providers available in this environment.
        An enum set of the available execution providers.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close is a no-op on OrtEnvironment since ORT 1.11.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable