Class OrtUtil

  • public final class OrtUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    Util code for interacting with Java arrays.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static long elementCount​(long[] shape)
      Counts the number of elements stored in a Tensor of this shape.
      static java.lang.String[] flattenString​(java.lang.Object o)
      Flatten a multidimensional String array into a single dimensional String array, reading it in a multidimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object newBooleanArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive boolean array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newByteArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive byte array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newDoubleArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive double array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newFloatArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive float array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newIntArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive int array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newLongArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive long array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newShortArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new primitive short array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object newStringArray​(long[] shape)
      Creates a new String array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(boolean[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a boolean array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the boolean array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(byte[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a byte array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the byte array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(double[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a double array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the double array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(float[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a float array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the float array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(int[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes an int array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the int array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(long[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a long array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the long array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(short[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a short array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the short array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static java.lang.Object reshape​(java.lang.String[] input, long[] shape)
      Reshapes a String array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the String array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order.
      static long[] transformShape​(int[] shape)
      Converts an int shape into a long shape.
      static int[] transformShape​(long[] shape)
      Converts an long shape into a int shape.
      static boolean validateShape​(long[] shape)
      Checks that the shape is a valid shape for a Java array (i.e.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • transformShape

        public static int[] transformShape​(long[] shape)
        Converts an long shape into a int shape.

        Validates that the shape has more than 1 elements, less than 9 elements, each element is less than Integer.MAX_VALUE and that each entry is non-negative.

        shape - The long shape.
        The int shape.
      • transformShape

        public static long[] transformShape​(int[] shape)
        Converts an int shape into a long shape.

        Validates that the shape has more than 1 element, less than 9 elements and that each entry is non-negative.

        shape - The int shape.
        The long shape.
      • newBooleanArray

        public static java.lang.Object newBooleanArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive boolean array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A boolean array.
      • newByteArray

        public static java.lang.Object newByteArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive byte array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A byte array.
      • newShortArray

        public static java.lang.Object newShortArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive short array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A short array.
      • newIntArray

        public static java.lang.Object newIntArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive int array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A int array.
      • newLongArray

        public static java.lang.Object newLongArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive long array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A long array.
      • newFloatArray

        public static java.lang.Object newFloatArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive float array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A float array.
      • newDoubleArray

        public static java.lang.Object newDoubleArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new primitive double array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A double array.
      • newStringArray

        public static java.lang.Object newStringArray​(long[] shape)
        Creates a new String array of up to 8 dimensions, using the supplied shape.

        shape - The shape of array to create.
        A double array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(boolean[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a boolean array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the boolean array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The boolean array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional boolean array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(byte[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a byte array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the byte array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The byte array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional byte array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(short[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a short array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the short array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The short array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional short array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(int[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes an int array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the int array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The int array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional int array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(long[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a long array into the desired n-dimensional array, assuming the long array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The long array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional long array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(float[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a float array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the float array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The float array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional float array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(double[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a double array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the double array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The double array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional double array.
      • reshape

        public static java.lang.Object reshape​(java.lang.String[] input,
                                               long[] shape)
        Reshapes a String array into the desired n-dimensional array assuming the String array is stored in n-dimensional row-major order. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of elements doesn't match between the shape and the input or the shape is invalid.
        input - The double array.
        shape - The desired shape.
        An n-dimensional String array.
      • elementCount

        public static long elementCount​(long[] shape)
        Counts the number of elements stored in a Tensor of this shape.

        Multiplies all the elements together if they are positive, throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise.

        shape - The shape to use.
        The number of elements.
      • validateShape

        public static boolean validateShape​(long[] shape)
        Checks that the shape is a valid shape for a Java array (i.e. that the values are all positive and representable by an int).
        shape - The shape to check.
        True if the shape is valid.
      • flattenString

        public static java.lang.String[] flattenString​(java.lang.Object o)
        Flatten a multidimensional String array into a single dimensional String array, reading it in a multidimensional row-major order.
        o - A multidimensional String array.
        A single dimensional String array.